Reference ========= .. py:module:: planet.api The public and stable API functions, classes and exceptions are all provided by the `planet.api` namespace. The Client Object ----------------- The Client class is the supported way to access the API. Unless specific functionality is needed, the correct way to instantiate a Client is with zero arguments. The Client will resolve the API_KEY from the operating system environment using the `PL_API_KEY` value. .. code-block:: python client = api.ClientV1() .. autoclass:: ClientV1() :members: .. _api-search-request: Client Search Requests ---------------------- The general search request form is a Python dict, for example. .. code-block:: javascript { "item_types": ['PSScene3Band'], "filter": { "type": "AndFilter", "config": [ "type": "RangeFilter", "field_name": "cloud_cover", "config": { "lte": 0.5 } ] } } The ``stats`` function requires an additional ``interval`` property in the request body. When creating a saved search, the ``name`` property in the request body will be used to give the new search a name. .. note:: Request and Filter logic is not validated on the client. Filters ------- The filters module provides a small convenience layer for building filters and requests. .. automodule:: planet.api.filters :members: Client Return Values -------------------- .. py:module:: planet.api.models Most `Client` methods return a :py:class:`Body` subclass that provides access to the HTTP response body in addition to the HTTP request and response details. For many responses, it is sufficient to use the `get` method to obtain the HTTP response as JSON. For paginated responses, the :py:class:`Paged` provides convenience functions to explicitly page through results as well as an iterator to the underlying items in each response. Download functions return a :py:class:`Response` object that handles some aspects of asynchronous execution. Namely, streaming chunks to a handler to prevent memory issues and awaiting completion of the task. The basic `Body` methods include: .. autoclass:: Body() :members: :exclude-members: __init__ The `Response` class returned by download functions has two methods: .. autoclass:: Response() :members: :exclude-members: __init__ Most responses are more specific than a body. The JSON body provides the contents as JSON. .. autoclass:: JSON() :members: Paginated responses provide a paging iterator as well as an iterator of each pages contents. The :py:meth:`Paged.items_iter` method provides iteration over the contents of each page response. For examples, an :py:class:`Items` response page contains a FeatureCollection of zero or more Item objects. Each Item is a record represented as a GeoJSON feature with properties describing it's metadata. When using the `iterator` from the :py:meth:`Paged.items_iter` method, only Item Feature objects will be returned. To handle assembling the items from each page into a collection again and streaming them as JSON, use the :py:meth:`Paged.json_encode` method. .. autoclass:: Paged() :members: .. py:class:: Items() Items is a Body that contains a FeatureCollection so when using `items_iter`, it will yield `Feature` GeoJSON objects. .. py:class:: Searches() Searches is a Body that contains an array of searches, so when using `items_iter`, it will yield `Search` JSON objects. Utilities --------- .. autofunction:: planet.api.write_to_file Activating and Downloading Many Assets -------------------------------------- A common use case is to activate and download the results of a search. While the Client provides the lower-level functionality for this, the `Downloader` class provides convenience for managing this process for a large number of items and assets. Create a downloader using: .. autofunction:: planet.api.downloader.create .. autoclass:: planet.api.downloader.Downloader :members: Client Exceptions ----------------- In addition to other exceptions, expected or otherwise, each HTTP operation has the potential to raise one of the following exceptions: .. automodule:: planet.api.exceptions :members: